Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Raising The Bar

"Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace."

Ephesian 4:2-3

We have all heard the saying, "If Momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy!" And that is so true. I have come to notice that my attitude can set the tone for the day in our household. If I am stressed, rushed and snappy all the people around me suddenly become very difficult! Which seems to happen every Sunday morning before church --- how is that? No matter how prepared I am the night before - Sunday's are the roughest morning of the week! And, I'm the one that started it all. I am frustrated about my daughter's hair clip that matched her church dress disappearing in mid air, my toddler has hid one of his shoes and now his whole outfit must be changed and my oldest can't find her coat. Which we all know - they will NOT hold church service if children show up with out hair bows or non-matching shoes and are coatless!! At this point however, I am not patient and I am not bearing anyone with LOVE.

I was at a Women's Ministry Conference and once heard a male speaker say how a healthy Women's Ministry raises the bar for her church. Now, some of you might not be officially "in ministry", but if you are breathing -- you are at some point around other people. And, you have the opportunity to raise the bar. By your example - you can choose to bring them down or raise them up.

I have really felt the need to reflect on my attitude and my choices. Am I being humble, gentle and making efforts to keep unity? Or, do I feel the need to always be right - often times belittling others? Or, to always be the focus of attention? Or, to stir up trouble here and there? Or, .......

Now honestly, I don't (please tell me I don't!!) feel that I go around and purposefully bring havoc upon those close to me. But I know when I am not living out Eph. 4. And so often - I know that I'm not by the attitude I see in those around me (especially the little people in my life).

I think that all of us want to be liked. We don't want to be known by others as a gossip, someone who disrespects her husband or angers our children. But imitating the humility and the attitudes Christ displayed can seem unattainable. Well, let me free you. Perfection is unattainable. Taking my sinful nature to the Cross, is my choice. Allowing Him to fill my prideful heart with His humility - is my choice. I'm not forced to do that. I'm not forced to show patience to my daughter on Sunday morning when her coat is misplaced for the 10,000th time. No - I don't have to applaud her forgetfulness, but I definitely don't have to yell in her face.

So, I go about life - not being perfect. But knowing what God has asked of me. And, wanting to quickly ask for forgiveness when I am out of line with what he has called. My desire is to "Be completely humble and gentle; bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace."


B Webb said...

Good stuff, Ginger. I especially appreciated the reminder that perfection in unattainable and that it's my choice to carry pride, attitudes, ALL of me to the cross daily....minute by minute!

Shonda said...

Hi Ginger,
Welcome to "Blogville!"

Good post here. Thank goodness you reminded me about not being perfect. I am so thankful that HE forgives me. I'm a work in progress. :)

Blessings in Christ--