Thursday, May 9, 2013

Waiting to Adopt

Are you waiting to adopt a child domestically or internationally?

Kids excitedly wait for their birthday.  Tweens anticipate High School and High Schoolers can't wait until graduation!  College age kids look forward to careers and marriage.  Married couples can't wait to have children.  Parents can't wait for peace and quiet!  It never ends.... we wait.  We get.  Then, we wait on something else.

However, if you are an adoptive family - you know waiting to adopt a child is a TOTALLY different wait than ANYTHING you have ever experienced.

And, I'm sure that you would agree, that it is a feeling not many can relate to.  It seriously feels like part of your heart is missing.  That's the only words I know to use.  Waiting to adopt a child causes you to feel like you are CONSTANTLY missing out on something.  We struggled with fertility issues early in our marriage - I cried often and my heart hurt.  I would see other women who were expecting and I would "miss" not being pregnant - even though I had never been pregnant!  While waiting to adopt, we "miss" a child that we may have never even seen.

The adoption process takes "waiting: and "missing" to an entirely new level.  My sister-in-law, Jeannie, is pictured here with her son Sheldon.  She has left him in Haiti and is now waiting.....

This picture says what waiting to adopt feels like.

It is heart wrenching knowing your child is in another country waiting for a family.  It is heart wrenching knowing that in your domestic adoption the birth mother still has a few more days to change her mind.  Waiting to adopt brings lots of tears.  Lots of questions.  And, far to often few answers as to when the waiting will end.

You are probably waiting on something too.  Maybe it's not adoption.  But, whatever it is, I'm sure your heart hurts also. A good friend encouraged me this week with this verse found in Isaiah 40:31, "but those who hope in the Lord they will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

While waiting to adopt --- or whatever it is that you are waiting on, why not blog your journey?  Share the ups and downs with others who might be EXACTLY where you are at during your process.  And, if you are going to blog, why not GET PAID while you are doing it?!? I know, first hand, how COSTLY adoption can be. CLICK HERE NOW to find out more.

If you have questions about fundraising for your adoption/blogging email me

Life's Purpose, It's A Beautiful Thing

Yep.  That’s me.  Age 15.  Weighing 100 lbs at best with 20 lbs of that weight being Aqua Net hairspray.  It’s important that your bangs look just right while ministering to others ;-)

Looking at this photo I’m reminded of my life’s purpose and how God planned for me to have a multicultural family.

Red, yellow, black and white they are precious in His sight…(you know the rest) …Jesus loves the little children of the world.  ALL the children.  And it's FOR the children that I'm sharing my life's purpose with you today.

As a little girl, I was always drawn to baby dolls with dark skin. Unfortunately, in East Tennessee during the 70’s, my desire for a brown baby doll was considered VERY odd.  However, one Christmas, my dream came true!!  Little did I know that this doll with gorgeous brown skin, dark eyes, and perfect yellow outfit with matching bonnet would (I believe) officially begin my journey and life’s purpose.  She was the most beautiful doll I had ever seen!  I get chills just recalling this brief childhood story.  I loved that doll as if she were my own child!  In my mind, at age 8, I had become a mother and I had a multicultural family.

I can trace God’s hand for my life’spurpose all the way back to my childhood.  He planted in me a love for all nations and a desire to have a multicultural family


Thank you God for moving in the lives of children! I’m so thankful that my parents took seriously my request and  made the decision to buy me that baby doll.

It was God’s moving, once again, in the life of children that confirmed to my husband and I the decision to adopt and become a multicultural family.  It seems that since our 3 children could speak they have ALL THREE prayed, “And dear God, please let us adopt.”  At age 8 our middle child would grab someone’s phone and then text my husband saying, “Dad, this is Cassidy.  Can’t we save just one?”

I Timothy 4:12
Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.

Wow!  What a verse.  Yes, God speaks to and thru children.  When I was 8 years old, God was opening the door to my life’s purpose by giving me the desire for a baby doll!  Sounds crazy, huh?  Yet, how cool is our God – that when my very own daughter was 8 years old she had a STRONG desire for us to adopt a child from Africa and become a multicultural family.

I like to think that the details of my life’s purpose started around age 8 when I asked for that baby doll.  At age 9, I became a believer in Jesus Christ. At age 14 is when God started to deepen the passion in my heart to care for those in need.  While on a mission trip as a teen - I became so attached to the children I played with for 5 days in the projects of New Orleans, that I cried the entire 12 hour drive back home.  My eyes were swollen and my heart was forever broken.

I’m confident that this is a blog will be about many different things by the time it’s all said and done!

However, I hope to share my LIFE’SPURPOSE: having a heart for children in poverty, orphans, adoption, (maybe a few fundraising tips in case you are adopting! LOL), being a multicultural family and of course stories of how being a believer in Jesus Christ has forever changed my life.

I once heard a widow from Kenya say, “It is never crowded at the foot of the cross. God always has room for one more.”  Remembering that truth, as a multicultural family, our family has made the choice that we have Room 4 ONE Moore.
What is you life’s purpose? I would love to read your comments below.

Adopted By Christ,
Ginger Moore