“And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. Keep putting into practice all you learned and received from me – everything you heard from me and saw me doing. Then the God of peace will be with you.”
Philippians 4:8-9
I had a wonderful day at church! I have missed so many Sunday’s lately due to Cheerleading Competitions and my trip to Mexico. It was so nice to be in such a worshipful setting. I LOVED our message by out pastor yesterday – but one thing really stuck out to me and I want to use that comment today, but in a different direction.
The title of yesterday’s sermon was, “Rest in Peace” using Philippians 4:6-9 and Galatians 5:22 (fruit of the spirit – peace). He gave several celebrity examples of those in the “lime light” who are obviously – by their choices – struggling to find peace. He shared the words of Britney Spears in a 1998 interview of what an important role faith played in her life and how she wanted to be always known as the girl next door. It’s really heart breaking to think what all has happened to her since 1998 (again, mainly her poor choices).
Having young girls – I quickly made a comparison in my mind of Britney’s 1998 comment with that of Miley Cyrus, AKA Hannah Montana, in 2007 about her faith and always wanting to be known as a good girl. Miley has gone so far as talking about attending a Bible Study on her Miley World website (which thrilled me and my daughter to read!!). She also recently explained to the news media how it was Satan attacking her when someone made a big deal about several slumber party photo’s.
I have thought so often about what someone like Miley could do for Christ. What if she gave a testimony and busted out with an invitation at one of her sold out concerts! Over the years, the Lord has led me to pray for several “stars” and for the last several months – Miley Cyrus has been added to that list.
My girls LOVE her. And so far – Miley has done nothing for me to crack down on my girls admiration of her. I actually enjoy her TV show myself! I heard a rumor just a few weeks ago that the Cyrus family was buying some property not far from our house (like bike riding distance) --- remember, I live in Nashville – so it was possible. After all, this is where she was born. Savannah and Cassidy envisioned Miley coming over to play at our house on a regular basis – doing nails, singing and having snacks. My Cassidy said, “Momma, I can’t wait for Miley to move next door. We are going to be best friends!” Then Savannah chimed in, “Maybe she can go to church with us!”
Oh how I hope she is able to go to church somewhere! From what I hear, they use to be very faithful before moving to LA. I hope that in the midst of all the money and fame she is able to keep her thoughts on what is true, honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Boy – that’s hard for me and I’m just a stay at home Mom surrounded by mainly only Christian people!!!!!!
Is there anyone out there – someone famous, that God brings to your mind often? It’s not a fluke!! Pray for them. Hollywood needs Christ – and that’s not a major news flash for any of us. Now, I’m not negating the fact that our neighbors need Christ as well – today, I’m just asking, Have you thought about stretching your prayers out farther than that? Who will you pray for today?
Sometimes our prayer life can be so overwhelming. We have personal needs to be brought before the Lord, then there is family and friends, our country and so on. A Bible Study Leader once shared with our class how she keeps from being so overwhelmed in her prayer life ---- and this was great advice! You might already be doing this – but this was a life saver for me!!!!
She of course has daily prayer needs. Then, aside from that – she breaks down her prayer list by days of the week. For example – it could look like this: Monday’s are for extended family and friends, Tuesday’s are for the leader’s in our nation, what is going on around the world (Miley would fall in this category for me), Wednesday’s are for missionaries and various ministries. Thursday’s are for those suffering with illnesses, widows, etc…Friday….Saturday… She wraps up on Sunday by praying for her church and those in various ministry roles, and teachers at our church.
The title of yesterday’s sermon was, “Rest in Peace” using Philippians 4:6-9 and Galatians 5:22 (fruit of the spirit – peace). He gave several celebrity examples of those in the “lime light” who are obviously – by their choices – struggling to find peace. He shared the words of Britney Spears in a 1998 interview of what an important role faith played in her life and how she wanted to be always known as the girl next door. It’s really heart breaking to think what all has happened to her since 1998 (again, mainly her poor choices).
Having young girls – I quickly made a comparison in my mind of Britney’s 1998 comment with that of Miley Cyrus, AKA Hannah Montana, in 2007 about her faith and always wanting to be known as a good girl. Miley has gone so far as talking about attending a Bible Study on her Miley World website (which thrilled me and my daughter to read!!). She also recently explained to the news media how it was Satan attacking her when someone made a big deal about several slumber party photo’s.
I have thought so often about what someone like Miley could do for Christ. What if she gave a testimony and busted out with an invitation at one of her sold out concerts! Over the years, the Lord has led me to pray for several “stars” and for the last several months – Miley Cyrus has been added to that list.
My girls LOVE her. And so far – Miley has done nothing for me to crack down on my girls admiration of her. I actually enjoy her TV show myself! I heard a rumor just a few weeks ago that the Cyrus family was buying some property not far from our house (like bike riding distance) --- remember, I live in Nashville – so it was possible. After all, this is where she was born. Savannah and Cassidy envisioned Miley coming over to play at our house on a regular basis – doing nails, singing and having snacks. My Cassidy said, “Momma, I can’t wait for Miley to move next door. We are going to be best friends!” Then Savannah chimed in, “Maybe she can go to church with us!”
Oh how I hope she is able to go to church somewhere! From what I hear, they use to be very faithful before moving to LA. I hope that in the midst of all the money and fame she is able to keep her thoughts on what is true, honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Boy – that’s hard for me and I’m just a stay at home Mom surrounded by mainly only Christian people!!!!!!
Is there anyone out there – someone famous, that God brings to your mind often? It’s not a fluke!! Pray for them. Hollywood needs Christ – and that’s not a major news flash for any of us. Now, I’m not negating the fact that our neighbors need Christ as well – today, I’m just asking, Have you thought about stretching your prayers out farther than that? Who will you pray for today?
Sometimes our prayer life can be so overwhelming. We have personal needs to be brought before the Lord, then there is family and friends, our country and so on. A Bible Study Leader once shared with our class how she keeps from being so overwhelmed in her prayer life ---- and this was great advice! You might already be doing this – but this was a life saver for me!!!!
She of course has daily prayer needs. Then, aside from that – she breaks down her prayer list by days of the week. For example – it could look like this: Monday’s are for extended family and friends, Tuesday’s are for the leader’s in our nation, what is going on around the world (Miley would fall in this category for me), Wednesday’s are for missionaries and various ministries. Thursday’s are for those suffering with illnesses, widows, etc…Friday….Saturday… She wraps up on Sunday by praying for her church and those in various ministry roles, and teachers at our church.
I hope this post was helpful to you today! Please – be in prayer for the people your kids look up too. IN and OUTSIDE the church
we love her too on our homefront!!! great to see you in blogland!
I didn't know that about her.....the bible study thing. I will have to share that with my girls, they are also huge fans!!
Great post, Ginger. We are big Hannah Montana fans! This is Ashley (Lewis) Smith. I just found your blog through Leigh's...she spoke at our MOPS recently. I hear you're coming soon! :) Email me sometime!
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