Thursday, February 21, 2008

Just Give HIM Some PRAISE!

“So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ.”
Colossians 2:6-8

Hi gang! I’m back:) Thank you for your patience. Due to my schedule – you might want to sign up for my e-mail notifications so you don’t have to check this site often. It will let you know when I have new thoughts posted. I plan on pushing forward and writing as much as I can but with a messed up computer (I’m using hubby’s right now!), flu season and traveling --- it’s going to be difficult.

So now that “business” is done – let’s have some fun!

I was so tickled by this verse this morning during my quiet time. I wish I had put the date in my Bible of when I first started this, but I pray these verses in Colossians often for my children. And just a few days ago my eight year old was overflowing with thankfulness!!!!

It was just the two of us in the van running a few errands before cheerleading practice. Her sister was at home sick and obviously her 3 year old brother was not going to practice cheerleading so Russ was taking care of that part of the crew. It was just Savannah and I – and I was actually enjoying some semi-adult conversations.

It was a beautiful day and unseasonably warm for February. So out of no where, I hear from the back of the van, “I can not believe this weather we are having! We need to stop and give God some praise!! I mean, I don’t like it cold at all. It is so warm today – I love it!!”

I was praying – Oh Lord, help me remember every word she just said because that was precious! The sincerity, the excitement, --- her understanding of Who is in control of the weather – it was a very proud moment AND a humbling one.

I started wondering – when was the last time that I just gave God a “shout out”? I’m talking about just busting from the seams praise like my child just did!?

I’ve shared this story with some gals at church and so now we pass each other and say “We need to stop and give God some praise!” It’s been a little “joke” with a very serious reminder. So - have you given God praise today?


Anonymous said...


Loved this post and the scripture -- writing it on a note card right now!!

It reiterated a story Beth told on Life Today yesterday about her office having an impromptu Praise Dance one day during lunch. If you haven't seen it, go to and click on Part 1 of her new series -- something about Jars...can't remember the title!

I'm headed downstairs to STOP AND GIVE HIM SOME PRAISE!!!


P.S. Is Priscilla still coming to LH in October? I'm going to come if she is....seeing that she is Leigh's BFF and all!! (wink)

Speaking Thru Me Ministries said...

ginger - go to youtube and look up Mary Mary - shackles!!! I'm just gonna Praise Him!! I am sad to say that there version is better than Mandissa. I love Mandissa, but these girls got this song big time!

Dori - I got my LH ticket already!! Yeah baby!!! I am so pumped!! You know Priscilla called again and told me to get tickets quick. She wanted to just send me one, but I just could not do that - she may ask fr tickets to my events, but i just couldn't do that to her. hee hee - i am cracking myself up!!!