"Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. Then they can train the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God."
Titus 2: 3-5
First of all I need to apologize for my blogging inconsistency!! PLEASE, hang in here with me. I've been out of town so much in January and I'm leaving again today for a cruise:) YES, a cruise. My Mom thought I needed a break so she and my grandmother are taking me on a cruise with 172 other ladies from their church. So - this will be my last post for a week. BUT, come back! I will have great things to share once I return I'm sure!!!
OK - with that out of the way, I need to tell you about the coolest thing! My church started our Apples of Gold mentoring program last night. Have you ever heard of it? Women's Ministry people - this may interest you. It is a six-week nurturing program for women. The format is like this:
It is held in someones home. You have 10 "apples" these are the ones who need/want the mentoring. 6 - 10 Mentors. A cook and kitchen help. Each week starts with a cooking demonstration (our cook uses her own recipes not the ones in the Apples of Gold book). While the food is cooking we have a Bible Study time. Each one of the Mentors will teach a session that is outlined in the book. The topics are: kindness, loving your husband, loving your children, submission, purity, and hospitality. The apples have a little homework before coming to the next weeks session. After Bible Study, we eat the delicious meal and have specific table talk about the lesson we just studied.
I am hosting this session of Apples of Gold at my home. It's a stretch for me to do something like this!!! I am NOT a housekeeper. But, I have been involved with this ministry for many years now and it is such as awesome thing to see how these "young" and sometimes not so "young" apples are just in such desperately need of Godly role models and friends. We don't limit by age - just anyone who is needing to be loved on is welcome. We do limit by number. First 10 only - and it's a race for sign ups every time!!!
For next weeks session I hope to be walking in the doors from my trip while all my guests are arriving!! I hope I don't miss it. And, say a prayer for my family while I'm gone.
Take a look around you. Is there someone that you can mentor? You may not be able to have a formal program like Apples of Gold, but has God placed someone around you - who you need to invest time in? I am so thankful for the mentors in my life. When I was a newlywed - a group of young Moms took me under their wing. They asked me to go see Beth Moore at a church in Kentucky before she was BETH MOORE!!! It was such a God thing - my mentors, the trip, meeting Beth that weekend ----- all the makings of a great blog!!!!
"God, I thank you today for Rebecca, Micca and Lori and their willingness to open up their circle of friends to include a young newlywed years ago. Father - I see where you have taken them and I want to go too!!!! YOU are everything in their life, and they have shown me the Way. God I pray that I can be that to someone else. I pray for this group of "apples" who will be in my home over the next several weeks. Speak to them through your Word and through the mentors You have chosen to participate in these sessions. I pray for those reading - maybe you are bringing someone to their minds this every moment. Maybe they are needing to invest in someones life. Maybe - they need to be mentored too. God - I pray that you would bring everything together --- whichever way it's needed, and you would be glorified. Amen"
Goodness gracious, girl! A CRUISE!!! Oh my -- have so much fun, okay?
And this "Apples of Gold" thing? Well, I can't imagine a church that doesn't need it. I've already forwarded the link to this post to our Women's Ministry Director for future consideration.
Thanks for the encouragement! This sounds like something I need!!!
Have a wonderful time on the cruise!
This sounds like an excellent program. I've had several mentors, not in a formal setting. The Lord brings people to me, again not formally like this.
Looks like something to check into.
Blessings in Christ--
Hey you sweet thing! Just dropped by your blog and who knew I would see my name there as well as a beautiful prayer. That was so encouraging to me, dear friend.
Have a blessed time on your cruise and enjoy the chance to get away.
love you loads and I'm still waiting on our lunch date!
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