Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Goodlettsville, TN + Coast Guard = STRANGE

“Many of the Samaritans from that town believed in Him because of the woman’s testimony.”
John 4:39

I’m telling you --- the words Goodlettsville and Coast Guard should not be used in the same sentence. It’s totally appropriate to say, “Umm – God?” Yet, Monday morning in my neighborhood, I watched the Coast Guard in their small boats bring families from one side of my subdivision to the other. I know those who lost their homes and I know those who only received water damage on their lawn because the water stopped justa few feet from their house. Both sets of families having stories to share of how God was with them.

If you are a believer – you have a story to tell. God has done something amazing in your life. Often, we think of a "God story" as something huge --- miracle size, if you will.  Tragedies like the Nashville flood, tornado's, accidents, illnesses, etc.... and how God protected, provided and so on.  Would it be STRANGE to think that before the Coast Guard came to Goodlettsville - if Monday had been an ordinary day; would we still have a "God story" to tell?
In church lingo – we often use the word “testimony” when we want others to share a story of what the Lord has done for them. When we tell what God has done for us we testify to His existence, to His greatness and that God is in deed who He says He is.

Growing up in the church - I remember looking at the church bulletin, seeing that someone was giving a testimony and knowing 1 of 2 things were about to happen. 1) somebody was about to share way to much information about themselves or others and then the other extreme 2) somebody was about to read scripture for 45 minutes straight with a few phrases like "this verse was important to me too" tossed in the mix a handful of times.
My question for you today is --- do you have a daily testimony to share of what God is doing in your life?  Have you ever sat and thought over the "coincidences" that have occurred in your life in just the last week alone!!?? 
In John 4:39, we see that this woman had a VERBAL testimony to share.  It wasn't too much personal info and it wasn't full of memorized head knowledge.  It was a simple story of how she had seen Jesus.  I encourage you to become comfortable in sharing verbal testimony's of how God is at work in your life.  Feel free to post them here!

1 comment:

This Is Stupid said...

Weird--I found your blog! ha!
Well, you spoke at our MOPS Tea and Testimony last week. I thought it was encouraging (especially the part where you were talking about how strange it sounds to talk about God and what He is doing/has done OUT LOUD. That resonated with me!)
Anyway, I have been having a kinda hard stay-at-home mom day and I am glad I came across your words again. Because God is always doing something, small or big, and sometimes I just have a hard time seeing past the mess on my kitchen floor! =)