"I will stand on my guard post and station myself on the rampart and I will keep watch to see what He will speak to me."
Habakkuk 2:1
Oh gang! I LOVE this verse. Honestly, I wasn't very familiar with it until last summer when I was able to teach Priscilla Shirer's Bible Study, Discerning the Voice of God. It was one of the verses shared on Day 1 of the study and I have found myself clinging to it a gazillion times since then. AND, I am needing to hear from God in so many ways as of late that I have pulled out this study to just re-do during my personal quiet time.
The study I just completed at home was on prayer. It was wonderful! It's been years since I've done a prayer study and it was just what I needed. I had never really thought about how your prayer life and your time in God's Word relate to each other so much. Obviously, I know that I need to be in His Word and I know I need to pray. And, over the years I have heard people with the most precious prayers and thought --- Boy, I'd LOVE to pray like that.
As I thought about these people - the one thing I've noticed they have in common is their LOVE for God's Word. They don't just glance at it on Sunday - they are breathing it. As I strive to spend time with Him daily - I have noticed a significant change in my prayer life. I use to NEVER want to pray out loud. Now, it is a joy. I use to get sleepy during the long prayers of others (sorry - just being honest!) and now I don't!!!! I am praying along with them for as long as they are! I still have so much work for God to complete in me in this area, but I am so thankful for the progress that He is making in me.
Also - I was once the typical "God, I need..... Can you..... Give me....." In my prayer time asking for so many things. I would just get into an "asking routine" and after I asked, I was done. I didn't even anticipate that He would answer. I knew God answers prayers and thought "Oh well, if it's His will He will give me what I'm asking." BUT - I wasn't concerend IF what I wanted was what He wanted AND I didn't EXPECT to hear from Him. I wasn't eager about His response. I wasn't listening for Him to actually speak to me about something that was possibly very trivial.
Here is a quote from A.W. Tozer. "God will speak to the hearts of those who prepare themselves to hear, and conversely, those who do not so prepare themselves will hear nothing even though the Word of God is falling upon their outer ears every Sunday."
God has so changed my thought process! You can not have God's Word without Prayer OR Prayer without knowing God's Word. That is just they way it works. Yes - we are all at different points in our spiritual walk - but we shouldn't be staying where we are today. We should be growing in our knowledge of Him (the Bible) AND growing in our personal relationship with Him (prayer). AND -here is the kicker!!! (sorry - lots of "and"s today!!!) We should be anticipating that He WILL speak to us. Standing on our guard post - stationing ourselves and keeping watch to see what He will speak.
I know I've kinda harped on "asking" God for things. And, that is not all wrong. God wants us to ask. What are you asking Him for? Do you need guidance with your job situation? Have a difficult child? Need money to get the bills paid? Is your spouse not a believer in Christ? The list could go on and on.
This is my challenge for you today. 1) Spend time in God's Word - make sure what you are asking Him for lines up with the character of God. If you need direction in this area, contact me and I can give you some great scripture references. 2) Pray. I mean get gut honest with God. Tell Him how great He is. Ask Him for forgiveness on how you fall short. Tell Him your need. 3) Anticipate hearing Him. Be looking for Him to move - EXPECT it. It will most likely come in a way that you would never imagine. 4) TELL ME! I can't wait to hear how God is working in your life.
I have been guilty of the "God bless me, heal me, help me, bless me, lead me, bless me" prayer. God showed me those prayers were all about me and not to know Him. Oh how I want to know HIM!!! Great message. Thanks, my friend.
What an Amazing message! GOd truly used you today - o speak into my lfe! I LOVE that Bible verse - need to be committing it to memory! I LOVE how our God is active in even the little things - I just don't rely on Him and expect He is listening. Thank You so much for your Heart for the Lord. May He continue to bless you this day!
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