Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Return To The Garden Pictures

"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer."

Psalm 19:14

This is Kay and the gals in the taping! What an amazing two days:) God even worked it out where I got to sit beside her at lunch and talk about Speaking Thru Me Ministries! It's a great story I will post one day. She gave some wonderful wisdom for ministry that I will cherish:) Also - she has one of my scripture bags that I sell for ministry. As a group, we decided to give her one in memory of our fun time together.

Hi all! Since my computer is down I don't have much time before hubby comes in and needs to start his work day so I will be brief today. By the way - my husband works from home:) Lucky ME!!!! He has a HUGE project due on Friday that he has been working on for months now - say a prayer that all goes well:)

Here are some Kay pics from our video taping of her newest Bible Study, "Return To The Garden". The study shows what the Bible says about purity. She talk about man being Protector (as God intends) VS Predator (as Satan intends) and woman being Saint VS Seductress. I am so embarassed now as to how I use to dress years ago. YIKES! Someone should have stopped me!!! Oh dear - my college dress was an absolute nightmare. It was obvious that the "meditation of my heart was not pleasing" because my dress showed it!!! I've already started working on my girls at ages 8 & 5 about modesty AND sharing age appropriate information about WHY modesty is important. My mother-in-law was a great example for me. When I met Russ, his youngest sister was only 6 years old! (Boy I'm old - she's now married!!) Anyway, I remember shopping with his sister and her mom during her teenage years. What a task! But, Amanda always looked stylish, adorable and modest.

If you have young girls in your home, begin praying about their purity. God will show you ways --- creative ways - to guide them in the area of modesty and purity.


Valarie said...

Oh my word girl! My husband and I just had this EXACT conversation this morning. We have some very young girls on our vocal teams at church who truly are giving modesty their best shot but sadly are missing the mark by - well frankly - a MILE!!! My husband was saying how angry it makes him because he knows how I struggle when I look for something to wear when I'm on that platform and there seem to be those that have no idea how utterly inappropriate they are. Can't know their motives, but someone needs to tell them!! Thanks for sharing this today!!
Love the pics!

Speaking Thru Me Ministries said...

awesome - i love the pictures!!! Oh how i wish I could have been there!! I love it!! tell us more!! love, Leigh