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“Pour out your heart like water before the presence of the Lord; lift up your hands to Him for the life of your little ones.” Lamentations 2:19
“Pour out your heart like water before the presence of the Lord; lift up your hands to Him for the life of your little ones.” Lamentations 2:19
Well, I did it! I took my “baby steps” on perfectionism and I DID NOT purchase Jamison an “I’m the Birthday Boy” shirt for his party on Monday night. I did not even put him in a polo, button down or anything that was really even nice for that matter! I let him wear one of his favorite sweat suits. YES – a sweat suit! Surprisingly, the world did not stop spinning.
You know ---- I spend a lot of time stressing about my kids. And, most of the time over silly things. Think like - how Jamison will look for his birthday party. And, sometimes over medium silly things like - is Savannah really prepared for her Science test? And, occasionally serious things like – is Cassidy ready to make her decision to follow Christ?
But, until recently – I spent more time stressing and less time praying. I LOVE the verse above – how beautiful is that??!! I have it posted right here in front of my computer on my desk. It serves as a reminder for me to stop stressing and start praying. You would think that common “Christian” sense would make you know to pray for your kids – specifically and often. But, I must say guilty as charged on that one sometimes! I have to especially work at the specific part. I told my Ladies Ministry Team at church recently that I am the queen of blanket prayers. Do you know what that means? Saying things like, “Father, forgive me for all my sins.” Or “Lord, be with my children today.” Just saying simple things --- and not putting forth the effort to get down to the nitty gritty.
This is an area that I have been trying to work on for some time now. I have in NO WAY arrived, but I can tell a change not only in the relationship with my children – but also in my relationship with Christ.
Two things that I pray specifically for is that: 1) our children will have a LOVE for the Lord and His Word and 2) our children will be obedient to God’s call in their life and serve Him in ministry. Now – you can be a nurse and still serve Him in ministry. What a calling! You don’t have to be a missionary in Africa to be in ministry. BUT – I want my children to understand that whatever job God has called them to – it is a ministry. Something that God uniquely designed only for them to do for His glory.
Inside I laugh at how I can see Savannah as a missionary to China, Cassidy adopting 10 kids and Jamison being a preacher (and I have the photo to show for!). Only time will tell where God leads them, but I can’t wait to share with them how I poured out my heart, like water before the presence of the Lord; lifting my hands to Him for the choices they will make.